Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby Squish Alert!

Today was so fun because I got to go to my neighbors' with Carter and Carson and Jordan for a little bit but they are not my neighbors. Aaron, Emanuel, and Betito are my neighbors.

We went to the park and it was so good because Gabriel and my friends that are on the different writings that are on the page that I'm writing on right now went too.

And Betito said "BABY ALERT BABY ALERT" because we were playing a game where we go down a big slide and when the babies get on, the grown-ups told them that the little kids would get squished.

The End.

All our bikes and my mom's shadow


  1. Braedon, you are my master because you make special and good blogs. The end! (The comment Braedon requested I make on his page.)

  2. I love your blogs Braedon! It is a good way to see what you are up to!

  3. Braedon, you are too cool! I can't believe your blogging! I am definitely following! Oh and I read these out loud to Kamilah and she thinks you're funny!

  4. Hey Braedon, My son Charlie is your age and he loves that you have a blog of your own. I think he wants one of his own, too. Can't wait to read more! ~Anna and Charlie

  5. Hi Braedon..!! G-G-Jacque and Uncle Bart are reading your blog..!! You are such a great kid..!! Can't wait for the Holiday Party Saturday..!! And you'll get to meet some of the Portland Timber Soccer Players..!! and see SANTAS..!! YIPPEE..!! You are such a cool Grand Nephew and Great-Grandchild..!! You make us laugh every time we see you or talk to you..!! You definitely have Anderson blood in you..!! haha..!! Love you..!! <3

  6. Hi Braedon, I am looking forward to your next post! Keep up the good work!
